Tidbits: 2 Kings 5:2

The Aramean army sent many groups of soldiers to fight in Israel. One time they took a little girl from the land of Israel. This girl became a servant of Naaman’s wife.
2 Kings 5:2 ERV


The whole story that follows this verse transpires from the humility and faith of a little girl! A little girl with a heart for the God she served and who wished good upon the people who tore apart her life and separated her from her family, instead of hating them for the havoc they caused!

(You really should read the whole chapter – an excellent read and the whole story is finished in just one chapter 😉 )

Jesus said that the greatest two commandments were to first love the Lord your God and then to love your neighbor as yourself. Loving others will automatically flow out of you the deeper you fall in love with the Lord. The order matters.

Because she loved the Lord, she essentially “turned the cheek” and gave valuable information to her gentile master. Being healed from leprosy is life changing in itself. But Naaman was not just physically healed, he was spiritually transformed!

When Naaman was healed, he asked Elisha for permission to bring back the dirt from Israel as a reminder of who the true Lord God Almighty is, so that he would never again worship the gods of his nation! Naaman also apologized in advance for when his king would call on Naaman to help him worship the false god, telling Elisha he would have to bow his knee but he would not bow his heart! What an amazing transformation!

An act of God-inspired love led to an encounter with the power of God.